
Customer retention
for over a decade


Registered users
in our system


Claims processed
and growing



Why use FileTrac Evolve?

To aim for operational excellence.

Claims Management

Simplify Claims

Claims Management encompasses the comprehensive process initiated by insurance entities to handle insurance claims effectively and judiciously. This process commences from the moment a claim is reported and extends through to its resolution and closure. FileTrac Evolve is designed to provide complete management of this process.

User Roles and Permissions

Customize User Access

User Roles and Permissions support the system’s capacity to customize access and authority levels for different users, ensuring the right individuals  have the appropriate privileges and restrictions.

Client Notes
Select what is visible to client notes
Client Claim Creation
Clients can create claims in the system
View and select documents in the system
Client Interaction and Communication

Enhancing Client Communication

Client Interaction and Communication involve fostering effective and transparent communication with clients throughout the claims management process, enhancing satisfaction and trust.

System Functionality and Management

Efficient System Management

System functionality and management encompass the core capabilities and administration of a claims management system, ensuring it operates  efficiently and effectively.

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intuitive solutions